Wednesday, May 13, 2009

beans beans the magical fruit - another oldie

December 4, 2007 - Tuesday
beans beans the magical fruit Current mood: virginal
Ok. I'm not perfect. And I've never claimed to be. I make stupid mistakes...occasionally.
Last night Tim wanted red beans and rice. (I created my own recipe) It's one of Tim's favorites that I I throw the dish together, place the serving bowl on the kitchen table, call everyone in to eat....We sit there...eating quietly..we're pretty much finished eating, and Tim looks over at me.
"I didn't have any beans in mine."
I look on my plate...
"I dont' have any either. Oh my gosh! I forgot the beans!"
The girls laugh..
And no, it was not just a plate of white rice..I add other ingredients also. (Ellen and Fred)
I've also done other stupid things in the kitchen..I once made a quiche and forgot to remove the paper from the bottom of the frozen crust. A couple of years ago I forgot to remove the plastic bag of giblets from our Thanksgiving turkey. I did pull it out though after it was done cooking.
I can't even imagine how fun it will be when I start culinary school..
Fred is great at photoshopping stuff..

The 'current moods' list on blogs are enough to make me want to blog every hour, just so I can use another fun one. Has anyone ever read all of them? They're great. Just like Tony the Tiger says.

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